So recently we decide we are going to setup a DR site and are going to use vsphere replication. I wanted to setup Linked Mode so I can see and manage both sites in one login instance. When I go to setup the linked mode, I realize that the primary site was setup in Basic mode. I haven't been able to find any clear way change this, one site I found said:
"There’s no ‘easy’ way to do it, but it can be done without too much effort. Basically you’d rebuild the SSO as the first node of a multisite configuration and relink the inventory and VC services to the new SSO instance. It’s basically a rip-and-replace, but just of the SSO piece, not the entire VC. You’d then have to rebuild the second SSO instance as well and this time join the existing multisite instance you’ve already built."
But I'm not sure what that means, do I uninstall the SSO and then reinstall it, do I unlink the services first? How do I unlink the inventory and VC and then relink to the new SSO? Is there another way to do it?